토익스피킹 Part4에서 쓸 수 있는 만능 템플릿
1. 첫번째 질문
-> 일정 시작or마감 날짜/시간/장소 정보에 대한 질문
It is have on날짜 at장소 at시간 by날짜마감일
2. 두번째 질문
-> 거짓 정보 정정
Actually no, You have wrong information. It is have ~
3. 세번째 질문
-> 두 개의 일정 질문
There are two sessions / classes / courses
The first session is about제목 by진행자 at시간 From시간to시간 for처음보는모든항목
It (행사) will be held 시간/장소
It will be held on Jun 20th at H-Hotel
The conference will be held on Jun 20th at H-Hotel
It (행사) will start/finish at 시각
It will start at 9 am
The meeting will start at 9 am
It will finish at 5 pm
The seminoro will finish at 5 pm
Actually no, You have wrong information
The registration will start at 9 am
You will depart from 출발지
You will depart from LA at 10am on American Air 105
You will arrive in 도착지
You will arrive in NewYork at 3pm
You will take 교통편
You will take Korean Air 105
You will stay at 숙소
You will stay at H-Hotel
You will have lunch/dinner
You will have a meeting
Jane White will give a speech
You will give a presentation
Jessica will lead a tour
You will attend a conference
There was supposed to be 일정, but it has been canceled
There was supposed to be a meeting, but it has been canceled
There was supposed to be 일정, but it has been rescheduled to 바뀐날짜
There was supposed to be a meeting with Jane White at 2pm, but it has been rescheduled to Friday
He got a Bachelor's degree in 전공 from 학교 in 년도
He got a Bachelor's degree in English Literature from California university in 2013
She got a Master's degree in 전공 from 학교 in 년도
She got a Master's degree in Design from Vancouver Art university in 2010
From 시작일, to 종료일, he worked at 회사명 as 직책
Firts, From 2015 to 2017, She worked at Fashion Magazine as a director
From 시작일 up to now, he worked at 회사명 as 직책
Next, From 2017 up to now, he worked at Fashion Magazine as a chief editor
He in fluent 언어명
He in fluent Spanish
She has a certificate
He has a experience in 분야
He has a experience in education
면접 일정표
You will interview 사람 at 시각
You will interview Jessica at 9am
There is an interview with 사람 from 회사명
There is an interview with John from Eco-company
He has 숫자 years of experience
He has 5 years of experience
He is applying for 직책 position
He is applying for the editor position
There is a 과목명
There is a cooking class
You have to pay 금액 for 강좌
You have to pay 20 dollars for the oil painting class
You should register by 등록마감일
You should register by January 3th
If you 동사, it's ~ dollars
If you are memeber, it's free
If you are not member, it's 15 dollars
It's for beginners
It's for intermediate students
It's for advanced students
강사 will teach 과목명 class/course on 주제
Sean will teach the cooking class on History
There is a class on 주제
THere is a class on French Art History
'License' 카테고리의 다른 글
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